Pineapple production in Ecuador is highly favorable due to its geographical features that are conducive to its growth. There are specific locations, especially in the Coastal region in the provinces of Guayas, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, Los Ríos, El Oro, Esmeraldas, and Manabí, where the climate, altitude, and soil are suitable for pineapple farming. In the country, there were approximately 5,750 hectares of pineapple farming, including both standalone and associated permanent crops, particularly the Cayena Lisa or Hawaiian and Golden Sweet or MD2 varieties.

In Ecuador, three avocado varieties are especially produced: Fuerte or Guatemalan, and Nacional, which is primarily for domestic consumption, and Hass, which is for export. They are cultivated on 800 hectares of land located in the provinces of Carchi, Imbabura, Pichincha, Tungurahua, Azuay, Loja, and Santa Elena. 80% of the production comes from the area between Guayllabamba in the northern part of Pichincha and the Mira canton in the southern part of Carchi.

In Ecuador, both red and yellow pitahaya are cultivated. The yellow variety has yellow skin with spines and aromatic white pulp with small black seeds. The red pitahaya is distinguished by the presence of bracts instead of spines, and its pulp can be either white or light red, containing small black seeds. In the country, there are two ecotypes of yellow pitahaya: the so-called “Pichincha,” also known as “Nacional,” grown in the northwest of Pichincha, and the “Palora” ecotype, cultivated in Morona Santiago and Pichincha.

Passion fruit, which is mainly cultivated in Ecuador in the provinces of Manabí, Esmeraldas, Los Ríos, and Guayas.

In Ecuador, it is produced in Guayas, Manabí, Los Ríos, Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, and Santa Elena. There are approximately 3,000 hectares cultivated. The country produces three types of papaya: Tainung 1, Hawaiian, and the one known as Nacional.

The main varieties cultivated in Ecuador are Ataúlfo, Tommy Atkins, Haden, Keitt, and Kent, with Kent being the most prized for being large, having very juicy, sweet, and fiberless pulp. Mango is produced in the coastal regions, mainly in the province of Guayas, where the majority of cultivated hectares with this fruit are concentrated.